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Welcome to READY4DISasters:
"Resilient communities through awareness and preparedness against the risks of fire, flood, and landslide"
project website

Competences (Click a competence to see its sub-competences)

C1.1 Understands disaster risk management principles and strategies.
C1.2 Knows how to access and use communication tools and equipment.
C1.3 Understands the roles and responsibilities of various agencies and organizations involved in disasters.

C1: Disaster Management: Understanding of the principles, methods, and tools for disaster management, including disaster risk reduction, emergency response, and recovery

C2.1 Adheres to safety procedures and protocols to ensure personal and team safety.
C2.2 Understands the importance of maintaining a secure and safe environment during disaster response activities.

C2: Safety and Security: Knowledge of safety procedures, equipment, and tools including maintaining a secure and safe environment

C3.1 Demonstrates effective communication skills and the ability to work well with others.
C3.2 Understands the importance of working collaboratively with diverse teams in high-stress environments.
C3.3 Exhibits flexibility and adaptability in changing situations.

C3: Teamwork and Collaboration: Understanding of the importance of working collaboratively with diverse teams

C4.1 Demonstrates the ability to assess the immediate and ongoing needs of disaster-affected populations.
C4.2 Uses data and feedback to inform decision-making and planning for disaster response activities.

C4: Assessment and Evaluation: Using all means to determine immediate and ongoing needs in disaster area

C5.1 Practice first aid and emergency medical techniques
C5.2 Recognizes and responds to life-threatening emergencies.

C5: First Aid: Knowledge of basic first aid techniques, including CPR, wound care, and trauma management. This includes the ability to recognize and respond to life-threatening emergencies.

C6.1 Respects cultural practices and customs during disaster response activities.
C6.2 Works with diverse communities in disaster areas

C6: Cultural Competence: Knowledge and sensitivity to cultural differences and diversity

C7.1 Exhibits effective leadership skills in high-stress environments.
C7.2 Demonstrates the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
C7.3 Exhibits strong problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

C7: Leadership: Ability to work effectively in teams and lead others in disaster situations.

C8.1 Identifies disaster areas and disaster risks
C8.2 Assesses disaster damage and identifies hazards
C8.3 Conducts rapid assessments of disaster-affected areas

C8: Evacuation and Rescue: Understanding of the procedure, protocols, and ways for evacuation and rescue during disasters

C9.1 Practices search and rescue techniques and tools
C9.2 Keeps physical fitness and agility
C9.3 Identifies and locates missing persons

C9: Search and Rescue: Understanding of the procedure, protocols, and ways for search and rescue during disasters

C10.1 Understands shelter and settlement options for disaster-affected populations
C10.2 Assesses shelter needs and availability
C10.3 Familiarize oneself with shelter management principles and procedures

C10: Shelter and Settlement: Knowledge of shelter management principles and procedures with practical considerations for disasters

C11.1 Communicate effectively with team members and external partners
C11.2 Communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds

C11: Communication: Understanding the importance of communication

C12.1 Identifies flood-prone areas and flood risks including monitoring systems
C12.2 Conducts rapid assessments of flood-affected areas, flood damage and identifies hazards
C12.3 Coordinates and manages recovery efforts according to recovery principles
C12.4 Demonstrates knowledge of water safety and sanitation principles
C12.5 Identifies and mitigates water-related health risks

C12: Flood Assessment: Knowledge of flood risks including damage evaluations and identification of hazards

C13.1 Understands how to use fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and other safety equipment.
C13.2 Demonstrates knowledge of fire suppression techniques and tools
C13.3 Assesses fire hazards and risks
C13.4 Identifies hazardous materials and their properties and assesses their risks
C13.5 Recognizes personal protective equipment (PPE) and decontamination procedures

C13: Fire Risk, Safety, Suppression and Control: Knowledge of fire safety and suppression procedures, equipment, and tools.

C14.1 Identifies landslide-prone areas and landslide risks
C14.2 Assesses landslide damage and identifies hazards
C14.3 Familiarize oneself with landslide maps and monitoring systems
C14.4 Conducts rapid assessments of landslide-affected areas

C14: Landslide Assessment: Knowledge of landslide risks including damage evaluations and identification of hazards